Day 16 | Activating the Divine Feminine: The Path to Wholeness | 21 Day Meditation Challenge

Welcome to our brand new 21-Day Meditation Experience, Activating the Divine Feminine: The Path to Wholeness guided by Alicia Keys and Deepak Chopra.

We are honored you’re joining us to explore the healing power of the Divine Feminine and bring wholeness to your life and the world around you.

Day 16 – Raise Your Spiritual Intelligence

“Spirituality is creative consciousness. This is a broader viewpoint than the spirituality we are accustomed to. If you expand your vision, the play of creation is the ultimate spiritual domain.”

Deepak Chopra

In Day 16, we learn how to navigate the play of creation to become a co-creator of your personal reality. Cosmic intelligence is the intelligence from which the creative intelligence of nature organizes everything in the universe.

By raising your awareness or spiritual intelligence into alignment with cosmic intelligence, you gain the support and guidance of the intelligence orchestrating the entire creation.

This is what the Divine Feminine embodies. As we meditate, we connect to our source and pure creative intelligence. In our lives, we tune into the unlimited organizing power of nature.

Question 1 of 4

From the following list, pick two spiritual values that you most want to expand in your life: unconditional love, divine presence, inspiration, expanded awareness, beauty, bliss, contact with your soul, inner peace. 

Question 2 of 4

Looking at your answers, write down the centering thought that affirms your choice, such as “I am unconditional love,” “I feel divine presence,” or “I and my soul are one.” Pick one centering thought to meditate on for a month, journaling about your experience every day.  

Question 3 of 4

Looking at the list again, underline one spiritual value you know you’d like to begin focusing on in daily activity. Write down two ways you can start to express this value.

Question 4 of 4

Use this space to reflect further on your experience today.

Today’s Centering Thought:

I Devote Myself to My Highest Value

Our Sanskrit Mantra:

Om Eem Hreem

I am Aligned With Cosmic Wisdom

Guided Meditation Video:

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