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Day 1- Energy of attraction meditation

Day 1 | Energy of Attraction Meditation | The Nature of Desire

Welcome to our 21-Day Meditation Challenge, Energy of Attraction – Manifesting Your Best Life. We are delighted to have you with us. Together we will explore and experience the forces of attraction to create a balanced life – physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

Human desire is the essential energy of attraction. Our hopes, dreams, wishes, and intentions are the forces that impel our growth and forward motion in life. We will learn that desire is not only basic to everyday life, it is essential to our spiritual evolution as well.

It is through desire that we create more love, joy, and vitality. In our meditations together, we will experience the source of desire – our true inner self – and begin to desire from that silent awareness. This is the key to manifesting the life you want.

Day 1 -The Nature of Desire

Welcome friends to our newest meditation challenge the energy of attraction. Perhaps this will be the most transformative of all of our previous meditation experiences. the next 21 days are going to open up so many possibilities. I’m literally tingling about them.

Deepak and I (Oprah) are grateful to have you join us on this journey. As Deepak will show us the energy of attraction is about much more than getting the things you want. It’s about aligning, in order to get the things you want.

Aligning your deepest desires, the innate desires that give your life meaning at the truest level, with the source of all energy that keeps the planets aligned, the earth rotating, and the sun rising every day.

Alignment is the key. There is unlimited power in alignment. Embrace it and you will discover a whole new way of being in the world.

we’re connected to the powerful constant universal force, that is creation

Carl Sagan

What I know for sure, is that we are all energy. We come from star stuff. Every moment, of every day, whether or not we’re conscious of it, we are sending out vibrations. Vibrations like love, like fear, like anger which is also fear, and joy which is also love.

The energy we put out is always no matter what return to us. You don’t have to believe it, it’s a universal law, and that law guides how we fulfill our lives, and our dreams, just as it guides the planets.

I’ve seen it at work, over and over again “like attracts like” You don’t attract what you want, you attract who you are. Change your energy, and you can change your entire experience of the world. Change your intention, and you change your path.

How do we tap into that powerful source of guidance? How do we begin to understand how our deepest desires, our intentions create our thoughts, our words our actions, and ultimately our experiences?

Well, the next 21 days are going to take us there. So let’s start now. So exciting as Deepak sheds new light on the nature of desire and then we’re going to meditate  


My life moves forward through desire.


Eecha Shakti Namah

I honor the universal power of desire.

Guided Meditation Video:

Journal Questions

  1. What are your hopes and desires for this 21-Day Meditation challenge? Write down these intentions, then take a moment to picture each intention as a seed you are planting today, within your consciousness. Your meditations and journaling each day are the water and sunshine they will need to grow.
  2. List all the different types of desires you have during the day – for food, admiration, intimacy, comfort, influence. Looking at your list, write down what these desires have in common. What similar feelings of fulfillment do they share?
  3. For each desire, list one way in which that desire shapes your thoughts and behavior. Now, write down one idea about how you would like to make manifesting each desire easier, less morally conflicted, and less selfish.
  4. Reflect further on your experience today.

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