You are currently viewing Day 19 | Energy of Attraction Meditation | Becoming a Co-Creator
Energy of attraction - day 19

Day 19 | Energy of Attraction Meditation | Becoming a Co-Creator

We learned yesterday that when we desire from our true self, we are manifesting from a state of grace. Today we will move further into this new perspective, so you see your role as a co-creator in life.

At your core consciousness, you are one with the creative consciousness of the universe. This means that your intentions are manifested neither solely through your will nor through being a passive observer.

In today’s meditation, we will step into the role of conscious partnership in creating your life. This state of creativity is humbling, elevating, and blissful, all at the same time.

Day 19 – Becoming a Co-Creator

We’ve been delving into the energy of attraction for this entire journey, and today it’s a good time to revisit the basic law of attraction with a new and expanded awareness. Today, we’re going to touch again on something that I hold as just one of my deepest beliefs.

You’re co-creating your life, and this law was discovered by Isaac Newton, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, the third law of motion it’s called in physics, I live by that.

You are co-creating your life with the source of all that is your intentions are shaping, your every thought, your every word, and your every action, and the universe is responding in kind to each one of those intentions, thoughts, words, and actions.

It’s all-encompassing, and that’s why you have the reality that you’re now living in. You’ve shaped it, and you have the power to continue to shape the universe’s response to you. You’re in a wondrous partnership with source energy.

Nothing in your life is happening out of order, nothing. It is so simple, it’s the law, and it’s also magnificent, not only do you have the power now. You’ve always had it.

You are the master of your fate, you’re the captain of your soul.

william ernest henley

Let yourself deeply connect with divine creative potential, and the wellspring of possibility for you to co-create is guaranteed beyond your ability to see. So, close your eyes, and let Deepak show us the way there.


I enjoy being a co-creator.


Om Brahma Namah
My Being participates in the creation of each moment.

Guided Meditation Video:

Journal Questions

  1. write your impressions of what that kind of life might feel like.
  2. Write down possible advantages to inconspicuous spirituality.
  3. Write down how you would have created the universe differently if it were up to you.
  4. Reflect further on your experience today.

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