You are currently viewing Day 20 | Energy of Attraction Meditation | Finding Your Freedom
Energy of Attraction Meditation - day 20

Day 20 | Energy of Attraction Meditation | Finding Your Freedom

Today, we will learn about playing our role as creative participants in life from a state of pure freedom. When you become comfortable creating from the silence of your unbounded awareness, you experience true freedom.

This is more than the freedom to create whatever you desire, it is also freedom from the attachment to your desires and manifestations.

Today’s meditation connects you to this state of creativity in perfect freedom. Each time you meditate, your consciousness expands and you move closer and closer to your true state of spiritual freedom: enlightenment.

Day 20 – Finding Your Freedom

No one else can choose your attitude for you. Your perspective and choice of attitude gives you the power to be in control.

Irene Dunlap

In our physical world, what’s yours is yours, what’s mine is mine. The exact opposite is true, in the realm of spirit, everything we have and everything we are is shared. Because we’re all connected to the same boundless powerful source.

We’re like aspen roots, that’s why there’s no separation between the seed of desire that lives inside of you, and that same seed of desire that lives inside me, and every other human being. We all want the same things.

That’s why the world seems so out of order when we’re all fighting each other. Because we all want to experience love, and affirmation of what our source already knows, we all are love. That’s the truest essence of who we are and why we’re here.

We matter simply because we’re here, and we’re here to manifest that love. Recognize yourself as a spark, as an essential part of the magnificent creative force in the universe. An essential part of the grand glory of all that is when you can connect to that, you will blossom into your highest self.

You will freely and authentically flow peace and generosity into the lives of others, knowing who you really are that which comes from the source of all there is, and embracing that power of who you really are, manifesting your dreams, will become easy, and you will soar and take others with you.

That is the truest expression of freedom knowing that we are miraculous beings. Let’s join Deepak, and meditate on that together.


I manifest my desires in freedom.


Parameshwari Namah
My true self has unlimited creative power

Guided Meditation Video:

Journal Questions

  1. Describe any difficulties you have had, or still have, with desires that have become powerful cravings or addictions. These are desires for happiness that got confused and diverted from their source and have become a kind of bondage.
  2. write about an experience of freedom that resulted from realizing something you thought was very necessary was, in actuality, not important at all.
  3. Write about an experience in meditation or outside of meditation where you felt your inner self grow stronger, and your ego mind become less important. The key factor to become aware of is that aligning with the power of the universe is reaching the level of self-awareness that pierces the illusion of importance the ego has built up.
  4. Reflect further.

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