You are currently viewing Day 21 | Energy of Attraction Meditation | I Am The Universe
Energy of Attraction meditation - day 22

Day 21 | Energy of Attraction Meditation | I Am The Universe

Today is the bonus day of our 21-Day Meditation challenge: I Am The Universe. We are delighted to offer a special meditation to create a reverberation of awakening from your consciousness throughout the universe.

This wave of awakening is your recognition that your core existence is the same as the core existence of everything and everyone in the universe. As you wake up to your universal status, you are sending a wake-up call to every sleepy being in the entire cosmos.

But unlike a wave traveling outward from a dropped pebble in a pond, this wave of self-realization reaches the entire universe instantaneously. When pure awareness touches the depth of its own Being, it knows in a flash its own universality.

Bonus Day 22 – I Am The Universe

“He who experiences the unity of life sees his own Self in all beings, and all beings in his own Self.”

 — Bhagavad Gita

This is our final meditation in this series. We’re back for the meditation that connects you to universal energy, I am the universe. The law of attraction is as we’ve seen as simple and elegant as it is profound and awesome.

It’s the power that attracts the earth to the sun, and the tide to the shore. It’s the power you have within you to attract the support of the universe, all there is on your own journey in life. Because the energy that is you come from the same source of energy that creates all living things.

As Deepak tells us there is no separation between that which is within us, and that which surrounds us, as you expand your awareness, you become one with the universe, you begin to understand that you are one with the universe, and you can align your grandest dreams, and allow them to expand and deepen as one with the divine.

So, settle in, take a deep breath, and join Deepak on a special journey to become one with the universe.


I am the universe.


Aham Brahmasmi
I am the universe.

Guided Meditation Video:

Journal Questions

  1. As you contemplate the possibilities of this final spiritual realization, formulate a silent blessing you would like to send out to the universe. Write this blessing down in your journal.
  2. Remember that while your essence is the same as the essence of the universe, the converse is true as well – the universe is in you. This means that the magnificence of your spiritual status can comfortably and gracefully fit into the commonplace events of your current life: making dinner, getting the mail, driving to work, or calling a sick friend. Enlightened people can be hidden in plain sight around you. Write down some wild speculations on people you know who might be enlightened.
  3. Take some time to write about ways that you can continue your daily mindfulness and meditation practice.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Katheryn

    Just wondering where all the videos are?

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