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Day 11 | Miraculous Relationships 21-Day Meditation Challenge | Miraculous Appreciation

Day 11 | Miraculous Relationships 21-Day Meditation Challenge | Miraculous Appreciation

Today in our meditation (Miraculous Appreciation) we will experience one of the most luscious qualities of spirit: the fullness of gratitude. When our attention is focused on the blessings in our lives, we feel connected to everything in the universe.

We experience our wholeness and oneness with all creation. When our heart is filled with gratitude, we arrive fully in the present moment, letting go of our regrets about the past and concerns for the future. In this state of pure appreciation, we radiate the light of love to everyone we meet.

Day 11: Miraculous Appreciation

“Wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving.”

Khalil Gibran

Welcome to day 11: miraculous appreciation. Appreciating whatever shows up for you in your life. Actually, recalibrates your very vibration when we see others with a spirit of appreciation and gratitude.

We can often find the beauty in what is and not what we are hoping for, or interpreting appreciation for your most effortless relationships can feel easy like a celebration. Almost true transformation begins when we start to find appreciation for all people, for all interactions, and for relationships that cross our paths.

What I have found is when you make the choice to find the gift within, the most difficult interactions and relationships in your life, you start becoming your own miracle worker, opening the door to seeing, and experiencing from a place of non-judgment, and acceptance invites miracles into our lives literally the world transforms

Today, I’m grateful for the beauty of this moment of meditation with all of you.


I nurture my relationships with attention and appreciation.


Sat Chit Ananda. 

Truth, pure being, and bliss.

Guided Meditation Video:

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