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Day 19 | Shedding The Weight Meditation | Mind Body & Spirit | Living Life with Love

Day 19 | Shedding The Weight Meditation | Mind Body & Spirit | Living Life with Love

In today’s meditation (Living Life with Love), we learn about the transformative power of love. Love is the essence of the true self. If you can act from a space of love, you bypass the judgments and burdens of the ego.

So expressing compassion, forgiveness, kindness, and a sense of purpose comes easily.  Love expresses itself with tenderness, but it also provides great inner strength.

Day 19 – Living Life with Love

“This world is in deep trouble, but it can be swiftly healed by the balm of love.”


For some time, I (Oprah) had a book on my nightstand called: In love with the mystery, by Ann Mortifee. The book reminded me every day about the wonder of life. In one of my favorite passages, Ann said: “Allow your heart to expand and overflow with adoration for this magnificent creation and for the love wisdom and power that birthed it all

Rapture is needed now, rapture reverence and grace. I find so much solace and inspiration in those words because when we remember that all creation comes from love, life is transformed.

Welcome to day 19: Living Life with Love. We make living far more difficult than it needs to be our struggle with, and resistance to what is. I see it all the time, entangle us in frustration and heaviness instead.

If we can get still and unite with the energy of creation, with being, we connect with the truth that turns everything into lightness. The energy you create and release into the world will be reciprocated on all levels.

Our main job in life is to align with the energy that is the Source of all energies and to keep our frequency tuned in to that source love lifts us up it lightens our spirit it transforms all with love in our hearts. Let us meditate together.


I find myself in a world created by love.


Aham Prema

(I am love.)

Guided Meditation Video:

Journal Questions

  1. The spiritual side of love is more than a personal feeling or emotion. Write down the moments today when you experienced any of the following values of higher love: compassion, forgiveness, kindness, tolerance, and non-judgment.
  2. Pick one value of higher love you would like to experience more. Describe ways in which you can experience this value more in your life. For example, if you choose non-judgment, you could spend more time with friends and family who accept and support you, just as you are.
  3. Journal about how you can help others experience this same value, giving the gift of love to someone else.
  4. Reflect further on your experience today.

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