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Day 20 | Shedding The Weight Meditation | Mind Body & Spirit | Living without Burdens

Day 20 | Shedding The Weight Meditation | Mind Body & Spirit | Living without Burdens

In today’s meditation (Living without Burdens), we explore how life feels when the old burdens have lifted. When our mind, body, and spirit become lighter, our life becomes a field of new possibilities.

As we are freed from the restraints of old habits and self-criticisms, we may feel a lightness of mood, confidence, and joyfulness. With an expansive spirit, we feel unlimited, peaceful, and creative.

Day 20 – Living without Burdens

“We think so often that we are helpless, but we’re not. We always have the power of our minds… Claim and consciously use your power.”

Louise L. Hay

Often, what looks like a burden or a dark patch is actually the universe conspiring to point us in a new direction. When you can see obstacles for what they are, and course correct to a new path, you never lose faith.

That Life is really trying to help guide you to your highest purpose, that of course is where we all want to go. Another favorite bible verse of mine is: “Lord lead me to the rock that is higher than I” So, by paying attention and letting our true selves emerge, we always find the path to the rock that is higher the positive transformation.

Welcome to day 20: Living Without Burdens. Choose to see your life free of the burdens and darkness, and heaviness that weighs you down, and like magic, miracles begin to appear blessings reveal themselves, opportunities show up, everything you’ve ever done, and all you’re meant to do comes together in harmony with who you are.

You get to sing the song you’re meant to sing in the perfect key of your life, you get to feel the truest expression of yourself, you embody likeness, and you’re free.

How beautiful is that? Breathe it in, and then, Deepak is going to lead us into a meditation of harmony freedom, and faith.


I embrace my life with ease and joy.


Om Prani Dhana

(I open my awareness to the divine in the universe)

Guided Meditation Video:

Journal Questions


  1. Self-judgment keeps the weight on, whether it is physical, mental, or spiritual. Focus on how you judge yourself, and detail the ways you do this.
  2. Taking each item of self-judgment, pretend you are your best friend or loved family member. For each item, write down what this person would say about it.
  3. Now that you have seen both sides of the coin, which viewpoint seems right: the viewpoint of your self-judgment or the viewpoint of someone who loves you?
  4. Use this space to reflect further on your experience today.

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