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Day 21 | Shedding The Weight Meditation | Mind Body & Spirit | Bringing Light into the World

Day 21 | Shedding The Weight Meditation | Mind Body & Spirit | Bringing Light into the World

Today’s meditation (Bringing Light into the World) teaches us that as life becomes lighter, you open a channel for the light to enter you. This is the light of awareness, freedom, truth, and love.

The greatest influence you can possibly have is to radiate your own being from the level of your true self. It’s not out of duty that we let our light shine, but because it’s our joy to bring light into the world.

Day 21 – Bringing Light into the World

We’re at day 21 my fellow meditators: Bringing Light Into the World. Today, we wrap up our experience of shedding the weight, mind, body, and spirit.

In this 21 day journey, we’ve opened up the space to live in the world with new lightness and energy. I hope that has been your goal, and you’re closer to being there, and with this transformation comes the motivation and generosity to bring more light into the lives of those we love.

What we all know in our souls is that we are not alone, we’re all in this together, and the potential for transformative joy is really unlimited. Use the wisdom from this experience, these past 21 days, to help just one person shed one small burden.

Share a piece of your light, your transformation will deepen by the sharing, it will escalate, and that’s how we lift up the world around us. As we prepare for today’s meditation, let’s focus on the new light that you have gained from this experience brings not just to you, but to the people you love.

Your energy has transformed through this experience, your vibration has transformed, and that transforms the collective energy of the world. Even though we might not see it reported on the evening news.

But I do believe that all of us coming together in this 21-day meditation challenge, the energy that we brought to ourselves and collectively with each other, we’ve made the world a little better. Let’s tap into that collective energy, and then as always, we’ll meditate.


I offer my light to everyone.


Jyoti Jyotova

(The light of life extends everywhere.)

Guided Meditation Video:

Journal Questions

  1. Think back to one small burden or piece of self-judgment that was eased today or yesterday. Journal about how that happened and congratulate yourself for this victory.
  2. Describe the next small victory you want to achieve and why.
  3. Write about how you can bring more light and love to those close to see them instead of letting them pass.
  4. Use this space to reflect further on your experience today.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Katheryn

    The message in this session is so vital for the times we are living in. Thank you 🙏

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